domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014


  This is a topic that some many people do not like to talk. Some People have fear and others talk about like is something normal. Death is a topic that in some moment we need to take it seriously. 

  Thanks for God, I have never been near of death but I loose some many people. One of them was my mother last year in 2013. She was diabetic and with the age of 40, she started to have problems with her kidneys. It is so sad to me to remember how was that day. She was a strong woman who helped me to be where I am now. I am very thankful for what she did. 

  Death is the end of a cycle; for me, like a Christian, is the beginning of a new circle of peace in heaven. I always pray for my mother can rest in peace. I hope, the day I come to heaven, I can find her and hug her for one more time. 

We need to take seriously the topic of death. We need to start to get ready for that moment and live everyday like it was the last. 

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