domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

War is the answer?

  Since the humanity existence, the problems between us are without end. So many ways to think; so many ways to act. We can start to fight with someone for simply things. Sometimes, we do not take care about what is correct, we just want to win. This issues occurs too in the governments and in a sadness way.

  We know wars like the "World War I" and "World War II" that makes a big hole in our society (worldwide). Many families lost their sons and fathers. One of the ugliest war of history was the Second World War. That involves many stories of Jews and the Nazi movement managed by the powerful Adolf Hitler (picture under this letters). Hitler just wants to create a new pure race and determinate the Jews like unpures. Many families suffers a lot of the decision from that government and their acts. 

   Later, Hitler was attacked by the U.S. Government and brings to the Jews and German people a new state of peace. 

We need to know that the called first war and second war was not the only conflicts in the world. Many times, United States and many countries need to invade others to make a solution of the problem. Years ago, the World Trade Center in New York (picture below) was attacked by a terrorist group called "Al-Qaeda". In that act, 3,000 people died innocently. United States started instantaneally a war against terrorist. Some medias say that war ende dejen United States killed Osama Bin Laden, terrorist leader of the "Al-Qaeda". 


 Right now, the United States is fighting against the Islamic State (picture below). Another terrorist group who are saying they want to attack New York and many important points of USA. the Islamic State wants to exterminate all the Christians to create a pure world with their belives in the Musulmin religion. They upload videos killing Americans and Christians people's the videos scandalized the World in a horrible way.

The real question is...The war is the answer? Is a hard question when you think many situations was resulted thanks for the wars and dialogue does not worked. The humans need to think and be responsible of their acts. Love is all we need (like John Lennon said). 

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